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Diving into the 3 Categories of Type 4 Hair: Which One is Yours?

Hey there! Let me start off by saying something important: your hair is absolutely amazing! I mean, seriously, there's no such thing as "bad hair" - that's just a silly idea that needs to be thrown out the window. Your hair is complex, delicate, and totally unique to you. And that's something to celebrate!

Now, here's the deal: taking care of your beautiful crown is key to getting the results you want. Just like anything else you want to be great at, it takes learning, practice, and experience. You gotta soak up all that knowledge and then put it into action. It's like diving into the ocean - you wouldn't just jump in without knowing how to swim, right? Well, the same applies to nurturing and caring for your gorgeous type 4 hair.

So, embrace your uniqueness, my friend, and let's dive into the world of hair care together!

Exploring the Three Categories of Type 4 Hair

Type 4 hair comes in three different categories, each with its own unique characteristics. Although people might describe Type 4 hair as absorbent like a sponge, each category of Type 4 hair is prone to dryness and fragility and requires moisture to bring out its true radiance and definition. The tighter the coil, the more dryness and fragility it possesses. Here's a breakdown of the three categories:

4A: This hair is dense, springy, and has tight coils with an S-pattern when stretched. It produces a great wash-n-go and is naturally soft and more manageable. This is the least fragile of the three categories and shrinks the least among Type 4 hair types. An example of a celebrity with 4A hair is Yara Shahidi.

4B: This type of hair is also dense, but it is more coarse and fluffy. The strand is Z-shaped and usually appears undefined. It is more susceptible to shrinkage and prone to frizz, dryness, and breakage. An example of a celebrity with 4B hair is Yaya Decosta.

4C: This is the curliest of the bunch and has the smallest, spirally coils. This hair strand also has a Z pattern. 4C hair is capable of maximum shrinkage, up to 75%! While it is also prone to frizz, it is the most versatile of all three categories. However, it is also the most fragile and requires deep and regular moisturization to avoid dryness and breakage. An example of a celebrity with 4C hair is Viola Davis.

It is crucial to treat your Type 4 hair with utmost care, especially your fragile 4C hair.

So, now that you know a bit more:

  • Which hair category is yours?

  • Type 4A

  • Type 4B

  • Type 4C


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