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Meet The Owner

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Crafting Authentic Hair Care Solutions with Tyrica Flair

Hey there, I'm Tyrica Flair, your dedicated hair care expert and founder of Choose Life Hair Care.


This project is my baby, starting with the release of my Hair Mask Smoothie. It's the fruit of my dedication and passion for natural hair care. I've been crafting hair care products from scratch for the past 13 years, sharing my creations with others for the past 8 years, and making these products available to you since 2022.


As a child, I was captivated by my aunt, who had a special touch, turning everyday items like eggs and banana peels into self-care treasures. Her creativity and knowledge left a lasting impression on me, inspiring my journey into natural hair care. Researching the benefits of natural and organic ingredients for our hair, skin, and internal body has been instilled in me since childhood.

Fast forward a couple of decades, and here I am, at 25, transitioning from my 10-year-old dreads to a new hair journey. This new path was both terrifying and invigorating. Overwhelmed by the multitude of products on the market, I remembered my aunt's methods and began to create my own hair care solutions.


I want to grow this brand to be one that the Type 4c hair community can trust. I invite you to experience my products, which embody authenticity and natural goodness—exactly what your scalp and hair crave. My sincere hope is that by embracing deep conditioning consistently for 3-6 months, you'll see your hair and scalp transform into healthier, fuller, and stronger versions of themselves. I want to help you reach your hair goals the same way I have assisted countless others. Try it for yourself and make us part of your wash day regimen.

Be safe and take care of yourself and others!




Tyrica Flair

Starting things is easy, but finishing the things that you have started, well that takes dedication.

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Our Mission

Empowering beauty, and celebrating diversity. At Choose Life Hair Care, we're dedicated to nurturing and enhancing the natural beauty of women of color with type 4 hair. Our premium organic hair products are specially crafted to cater to type 4 hair, restoring and reviving its healthiest state. We stand for quality, progress, and embracing your unique texture – because every strand tells a story. Join us on a journey to confident, vibrant hair that reflects the essence of you.

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